Struggling Stepmom Blog
About the Struggling Stepmom – Brooke Leslie

My life was forever changed in 2014 when I fell for a man with children. It was never my plan, but it happened and it happened fast. Before I knew it, I was a struggling stepmom.

Our blended family life is very calm these days, but it certainly didn’t start out that way. Through the struggles, I have had to learn how to navigate my role with limited advice, many obstacles, and a dedication to making it work.

Now, I want to help my fellow stepmoms find their voice and empower them to blaze their own trail. Not be dragged around in all of the do’s and don’ts that will inevitably be thrown at them, but to give them the strength and knowledge to keep their feet planted firmly on the ground.

Struggling Stepmom Blog
Free Stepmom Ebook

Join our email list and you will receive a free download of my book A Stepmom’s Guide to Figuring Out Her Role In a Blended Family.

Stepmom Coaching

My mission through coaching is to help stepmoms get their confidence back. Help them to find their place, and see that they truly do belong in their family, even if they weren’t there to create it. 

I will work with you through the tough days, help you to see the path through the darkness, and celebrate with you when you take back your life. 

I look forward to getting to know you and helping you to feel at home in your family! 

Featured Blog Posts

Top 5 Concerns About Dating A Man With Kids

It wasn’t supposed to happen, but I fell in love with a man who had two children… 

4 Things to Consider Before Marrying a Man With Kids

I met a man with kids. It wasn’t ideal, but I was excited. I felt as though my clock was ticking, so the fact he had two children was somewhat comforting… 

Struggling Stepmom Blog

The Man Of My Dreams and His Kids

When my best friend called to inform me she was engaged, I was ecstatic! Partially for her, partially because she told me which groomsman I had been paired with… 

Step Struggles Podcast
Step Struggles Podcast

Being a stepmom has sparked my mission to help other stepparents see the light, even on the darkest days. Through conversation and reflection, I hope to help stepfamilies work through their struggles and provide a new perspective. New episodes every Friday. Listen anywhere you get your podcasts, and please rate and review the podcast if you find it helpful.

Listen Now

More Struggling Stepmom Blog Posts
Struggling Stepmom Blog
If It Were Up to Me – Notes From a Stepmom

“If it were up to me” is a phrase I regularly catch myself saying. I’m smart enough to know it’s not up to me. It’s not my place and that I don’t get to change the dynamic of our blended family when it comes to their mom, but I can tell you the current system …

Struggling Stepmom Blog
Fear of the Unknown – A Stepmom’s Constant Struggle

Worrying is a huge part of parenting, and stepparenting is no exception. When it comes to my stepkids, there are so many things that I spend my energy stressing over. Are they happy? I am constantly in fear of the unknown. Are they thriving at their mom’s? Will they miss biomom when they come to us?

Struggling Stepmom Blog
Stepmom Support System – Why You Need One

When I started dating a man with kids I never considered looking for a stepmom support system. I truly didn’t understand what getting involved with a blended family meant, although people will tell me that I knew what I was getting into. 

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