A little more about myself…
I grew up a middle child, in a blended family, and the only girl. I was two years old when my younger brother was born, and that was when I knew I wanted to be a mom. I planned to have two boys and two girls, ideally the boy first, as I really loved having an older brother. I hated feeling left out by my brothers as a child, which is the reason for an even number, and always wanted a sister.. So ideally, they would all have one of each! I had it all mapped out…
Life happened and I was 30 before I found the man I wanted to start my perfect family with. The thing was, he had already had two kids, a girl then a boy. Although the order may have been altered, it worked out for me as the thought of four pregnancies was less appealing at this point in my life.

Fast forward a few years, we’ve been through a custody battle, wedding, countless blending hurdles, and two babies, both boys.
The dream I had for my perfect family is not exactly what I’ve created, but I truly believe it is what was meant for me. I was destined to be surrounded by boys. My stepdaughter will know the same life, and I often remind her of all the benefits of being the only girl… there are many.
Being a stepmom has come with many ups and downs, often coming so close together it makes you nauseous… but I would not trade it for the world. It’s been 7 years now and we have gotten into a groove, things have been calm for a while now.

As a stepmom, there is always a tiny part of me just waiting for the other shoe to drop, but while I wait I’m hoping to help those who are struggling through it now.

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