My Top 5 Goals for 2022

I’m feeling slightly intimidated to put this out there, but what better way to hold myself to these goals?! If I’m being completely honest, I don’t typically do new years resolutions, or really organize my ideas enough to make them into focused goals, but I want so much out of this year that I figured it would be a good place to start. So, here we go!

1. Finally launch my podcast!

This is the big one. I’ve been dreaming of this for months now, and it’s getting closer to being a reality! I finally feel I have the right focus and my ducks are seeming a little less chaotic, not quite in a row, but most of them are facing the right direction. I hope to have my first episode live no later than March 1, so keep an eye out for that!

2. Complete and send out a monthly newsletter

In the beginning, this was something that was already on the list. But, as life carried on this idea fell to the wayside and it’s been hibernating there ever since. I will hold myself accountable for this one. If you haven’t yet signed up for it, make sure you do! Our first will be published in the near future!

3. Organize my home

This one sounds easier than it is going to be, I am painfully aware of that. Lately, I’ve been feeling so chaotic in my brain, then I look around my house and that also feels like chaos. Toys, chargers, ipads… there’s crap everywhere. Well, in a podcast I listen to weekly, she is always talking about the vibe of your home… and this week she had a guest on that inspired me to get my act together and purchase some baskets and get some unneeded objects out of here. It’s a work in progress, always will be, but the ball has started, and I intend to keep that baby rolling.

4. Better organize my time

It’s that chaotic feeling again. I’m bouncing from laundry to coaching clients, to Instagram to kids… I feel like I’m all over the place and it isn’t serving me or what I am trying to achieve. I’m not sure exactly what this will look like, but I’ve toyed with the idea of batching content, changing my coaching schedule, and just being overall more prepared for things like lunches… the more I can limit the bouncing around, the better I believe I will feel. (open to any tips you have on this one!)

5. Devote more intentional time to my family

I have been noticing myself getting irritated by my kids interrupting me while trying to post something, or read something, or write something for my blog… what message is that sending to them?! I know they will be big so fast and not only do I want to be present so I remember and cherish these years, but I also dread the thought of them looking back and remembering that mommy always had a phone in her face and was too busy to play. Isn’t the whole point of work-life balance to get more time with our families?! This one is critical. I need to do better, they need me to do better.

Just writing these down and knowing you will be reading them has given me such a boost in my motivation! Please feel free to reach out and ask how it’s going, sometimes I really need that little push to stay on track!

I’d love to hear your goals for this year or even your thoughts on mine!

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