The Man Of My Dreams… and His Kids

When my best friend called to inform me she was engaged, I was ecstatic! Partially for her, partially because she told me which groomsman I had been paired with …

It Felt Like Fate

I was to walk the aisle with the groom’s undeniably attractive friend. 

We had met years prior, when I had a boyfriend, and he had two adorable children with his fiancee. Despite the attraction, it didn’t seem that anything would ever come of it given our situations. 

Circumstances changed, I moved a couple of provinces over without said boyfriend and the fiancee became the ex. Anticipation about reconnecting with the hot groomsman in our new roles was mounting.

Rehearsal day came and I was really looking forward to seeing my groomsman at the church. 

To my utter disappointment, he was nowhere to be found. With an open ear, I heard one of the other groomsmen talking about the fact that he was spending time with his children and would not be making the rehearsal. Guess it would be one more day!

Dinner was held at a trendy restaurant downtown in the city I grew up. Chatting away with old friends, I heard one of the guys shout my groomsman’s name. My stomach dropped and my heart started to race.

He came and sat in the empty chair across the table from me and I greeted him with a flirty remark about him leaving me at the altar. He promised it would be the last time and that was it, he had me. We never seemed to veer too far from each other over the course of the evening before saying goodnight and parting ways.

After our beautifully chaotic morning getting hair and makeup done, we arrived at the church and got in position. 

I walked down the aisle, towards my groomsman. He was standing up there looking rather dapper and smiling at me. As the bride and groom exchanged their vows and expressed their love for one another, I couldn’t help but watch my crush comforting the ring bearer’s nerves in such a natural and calm manner. My attraction grew.

We spent the reception side by side. From the support regarding my speech to his hand on my lower back, while we talked to friends, we were clearly on the fast track to couplehood. 

We covered many topics that night, from the news that he had plans to move to my city that August, to the fact that he was interested in having more children one day, we got all of the big issues out of the way then and there (Or so I had thought, ha! If only, right?!).

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The Arrival

August arrived and so did he. On my first free day, we met up and drove the city for hours talking. He told me stories about his kids and their experiences. I shared my life and what little knowledge I had of our new city and it wasn’t long before we were in love.

I never thought I would date a man with kids, but there we were, dating. It wasn’t a question that I wanted to be with him and the kids weren’t even close to being a deal-breaker. 

As our relationship developed and we were entertaining my meeting the kids.  

I did have a number of very real concerns and promise to address them in my next post! 

How did you get involved with a single parent? 

What sorts of things were running through your mind when you found out about the child(ren)? 

Leave a comment below 🙂

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