A (to-be) Stepmom’s Exciting News – We’re Getting Married!

The drive was gorgeous! There was no phone reception for hours and every turn was picturesque. We were headed west for a few days while my guy was off work for Spring Break.

We arrived in an adorable little town and I immediately fell in love with its charm. We spent the evening in the hot tub on the rooftop of our hotel, drinking wine and star gazing. 

The next morning, we did some snowboarding, had lunch, and then took a drive to a beautiful lake surrounded by mountains. We walked around the water and talked about life, us, the kids, and our plans for the future. It was perfect.

He suggested we take a picture together in front of the gorgeous backdrop. Once the moment was captured, he held my hands in his and started talking about how much he loved me. I don’t know how much of what he was saying got through the noise of what I was thinking. 

Is he going to propose? Now? Is this real? He then reached into his pocket and dropped to his knee. Without hesitation, I said YES! I couldn’t believe it. I loved the ring, I loved the man and he couldn’t have picked a more beautiful spot. I was over the moon. It was official, I was going to be the happiest, luckiest bride in the world.

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I’m Going to be a Stepmom …

We decided to wait for our next Skype call to let the kids know our news, along with anyone who might be in contact with them before then. I was so excited to tell our flower girl and ring bearer of the upcoming events. I was thrilled to become their stepmom and hoped they would be just as excited for our big day.

As expected they were really excited to be a part of the wedding. His daughter had a friend who was going to be a flower girl and was overjoyed to join the club. His son didn’t fully understand what a ring bearer was, but took to calling himself the ring boy, and was looking forward to fulfilling his responsibilities.

The News Reaches Bio Mom

After posting to social media, my fiancé got a text and looked at me, losing the smile that had been on his face for the days leading up to this moment. It’s bio mom he said with wide eyes. He opened her message to read “Your engaged?!”

I hadn’t considered how she might react. I was too engulfed in my own happiness about our engagement and our future wedding. Suddenly I started to panic:

Would she attempt to make this negative? 

Would she say something to the kids? 

Would she try to turn them against me? 

A flood of emotion ran through me after we read her message and I began to worry about what she was capable of.

I decided that there was nothing that she could do to ruin this time for my fiancé and me. She wasn’t evil, right? She would see that this was good for the kids. We were getting married and everyone was so happy for us, she would be too. There was no reason to be afraid of her reaction, or so I hoped. 

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