Meeting His Kids For the First Time – A Stepmom’s Frightening Experience

The Struggling Stepmom - Meeting his kids for the first time.

The door swung open and in walked two chatty children along with the love of my life. I was meeting his kids for the first time.

The kids were not expecting me to be there and were stunned by my presence. I anxiously filled the silence with a hopeful hello. They each grabbed one of their dad’s hands and stood behind him staring at me with wide eyes. 

They muttered a hello and their dad encouraged them to take off their shoes.

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The official introduction

Once settled, my guy leads the kids over to me and informed them that I was his girlfriend. “This is Brooke, say hello.” 

They were playing shy and unsure of how they felt about me. With a few questions and gentle encouragement from dad, it was not long before they were taking turns playing with my hair and jumping in my lap. It was a tremendous relief.

We spent the week staying with my guy’s mother and visiting various friends and family while we were in town. The children traveled between their two homes, but we made the best of our time together. It all felt very natural and I knew this was the beginning of my new life.

Let the blending begin! 

Boxing day we all went to the farm to visit my dad’s alpacas. The kids ran around chasing the 30 plus alpacas until we decided the animals had had enough and headed back to Grandma’s house. Everyone seemed comfortable, and I remember feeling as though they had always been a part of my life.

A sad goodbye

After a few more days and visits, it was time for us to pack up and head back out West. Saying goodbye to the kids was horribly difficult. I said my bit, gave them each a hug, and exited the area quickly, as I did not have the heart to watch them part ways with their father.

Life was different after that trip. I was included in Skype calls and we were regularly chatting about anything and everything. We made plans to visit again in the spring and I couldn’t wait. They are the most loveable kids.

How did your experience meeting his kids for the first time go? Comment below!

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